Sunday, August 30, 2009

CD Release Show at Pete's Candy Store (Thursday, Sept. 3 at 9:30PM)

Well, after all these years of procrastination punctuated by brief flares of intense hard work, solo shows, duo shows, band members that went nowhere and hundreds (possibly thousands) of hand-labeled burnt cds, Argyle Johansen's debut Album is finally being officially released on Thursday, September 3rd at 9:30 PM in the lovely and intimate back room of Pete's Candy Store (709 Lorimer St. Brooklyn, NY). Free copies of the album (the artwork, designed by Michael P. of the wunder-rock-group Schocholautte, is the main image at the top of this page) will be given out at the show, which as always at Pete's will have no cover! Joining the effort on stage as always will be Sam Merrick (percussion) and David Kross (bass) with the dulcet tones of multi-instrumentalist Taylor Galassi (cello, accordion and glockenspiel). It'll be a slightly longer than usual set for us, and be sure to keep your ears peeled because you might here some new as-of-yet unrecorded (and somewhat unfinished:) songs! See you there.
-unkle Argyle

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Kind thanks to everyone who came out to Fontana's (and who dealt with the venue change). You were a lovely and sweet-smelling audience, and we hope to see you again real soon!
-Love, Argyle